2017 Pre-Conference Mix & Mingle

by | Sep 16, 2017 | My Writing Journey

Welcome to my first blog post! I’m so excited that I get to attend the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference next week in Grapevine, TX. This is my first ACFW Conference, and I can’t tell you how much I look forward to meeting new people and attending workshops about my favorite subject, writing!

Author Laurie Tomlinson has a questionnaire on her website and is encouraging ACFW authors to share a bit about themselves. Check out her post here for links to all the responses!


Name: Anne Carol

Location: Northern California

What you write/tagline/trademark: I write sweet rock star romance, set in the eighties.

Place in the book world: Self-published two books, which I’d like to re-work before my third book is published. They are all part of a four book series.

On a scale of hugger to 10-foot-pole, please rate your personal space: I won’t initiate hugs (shy girl here), but I’ll accept them!

Something VERY serious: How do you take your Starbucks? When I’m being naughty, I love a White Chocolate Mocha. However, I’m cheap and watching my sugar, so I’ll usually get regular coffee with cream and sugar-free caramel.

The unique talking points that will get you going for hours: Writing (of course), wine tasting, traveling, and how to deal with teenage sons!

Loved ones at home you’ll be missing: My husband and two sons, 16 and 14.

Conference goals we can pray for? To have more confidence in myself. I feel like a total poser right now. My goal is to meet with a few mentors and kind of map out where I’m heading in my writing journey.

Anything we can celebrate with you? I’m almost finished writing my third book!

One or two ways we can help you build your platform? You can like my author page and follow me on Instagram!

Thanks for doing this, Laurie! What a great idea!


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