by Anne Carol | Nov 20, 2022 | My Writing Journey
Yes, I listened to the John Lennon song before I wrote this post. I try to incorporate music wherever and however I can! If you browse through my updated website, you might guess that I love music. Did you catch that? UPDATED website. I may not have written much over...
by Anne Carol | Oct 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello, bookish friends! When I first discovered the Indie Christian author community, I met so many wonderful writers! One of those writers was Teresa Tsyinger, and I thoroughly enjoyed her debut novel, Someplace Familiar. The small town setting of Laurel Cove in the...
by Anne Carol | Apr 14, 2020 | My Writing Journey
“You don’t matter.” “Nobody cares.” “You’ll never be as good as ‘x’, so why bother?” “What a joke you are.” “You don’t fit in.” “Stop embarrassing yourself and just GIVE UP.” These are all things I have told myself over the past several years, mostly regarding...
by Anne Carol | Dec 26, 2019 | My Writing Journey, Parenting
I heard my husband tell my sister-in-law the other day, “don’t blink.” Her children are 7 and 9, when it seems like just yesterday, they were in preschool. My own children are 16 and 18, not far from leaving “the nest”. As I survey the many photo cards we received for...
by Anne Carol | Dec 7, 2019 | My Writing Journey
Last evening, I had the privilege of seeing “It’s a Wonderful Life”, the holiday classic starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. For those unfamiliar with the story, it’s about a hard-working, humble man—George Bailey— who never really felt like he’d accomplished “big...