Just Like Starting Over

Yes, I listened to the John Lennon song before I wrote this post. I try to incorporate music wherever and however I can! If you browse through my updated website, you might guess that I love music. Did you catch that? UPDATED website. I may not have written much over...

A Conversation with Author Teresa Tysinger

Hello, bookish friends! When I first discovered the Indie Christian author community, I met so many wonderful writers! One of those writers was Teresa Tsyinger, and I thoroughly enjoyed her debut novel, Someplace Familiar. The small town setting of Laurel Cove in the...


“You don’t matter.” “Nobody cares.” “You’ll never be as good as ‘x’, so why bother?” “What a joke you are.” “You don’t fit in.” “Stop embarrassing yourself and just GIVE UP.”   These are all things I have told myself over the past several years, mostly regarding...


I heard my husband tell my sister-in-law the other day, “don’t blink.” Her children are 7 and 9, when it seems like just yesterday, they were in preschool. My own children are 16 and 18, not far from leaving “the nest”. As I survey the many photo cards we received for...


Last evening, I had the privilege of seeing “It’s a Wonderful Life”, the holiday classic starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. For those unfamiliar with the story, it’s about a hard-working, humble man—George Bailey— who never really felt like he’d accomplished “big...

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