by | Dec 26, 2019 | My Writing Journey, Parenting | 1 comment

I heard my husband tell my sister-in-law the other day, “don’t blink.” Her children are 7 and 9, when it seems like just yesterday, they were in preschool. My own children are 16 and 18, not far from leaving “the nest”.

As I survey the many photo cards we received for Christmas, I’m stunned by how grown-up the kids look, and how the parents (our peers) are—let’s face it—appearing middle-aged. Christmas letters talk about children away at college or applying for college.

Thirty-somethings who are amid raising young children, don’t blink. It won’t be long until you’re filling out the FAFSA form to apply for college financial aid. These years may seem long, but in the blink of an eye, you’ll be facing the prospect of children moving away to college.

2019 was a year of joy and disappointment. Personally, I’m ready for a fresh start. I regret to say much of the valleys were due to my own negative outlook. At our Christmas Eve gathering, a board was on display which we all had signed last year, stating our hopes for 2019. My goals were to send off my firstborn to college and to publish my fourth book. Well…my firstborn is attending college, but here in town. No fancy send-off this year.

My book did NOT get published. In fact, I just finished the rough draft. (Though with a lot of hard work, it will see the light of day in 2020).

Looking back, I know I have a lot to be thankful for. But I spent so much time in 2019 striving and comparing that I’m afraid I didn’t enjoy the blessings I had in front of me.

I’ve recently become aware of how precious life is, and how we don’t know the number of days we have. And, more specifically, I don’t know how much longer I’ll have my kids around on a day-to-day basis. Time is flying by. My youngest will graduate high school in five months.

Don’t blink. Savor life, the good and the bad.

~ Anne

1 Comment

  1. Emily Conrad

    I’ve been reminded by some events recently of how precious and brief life is, too. In one of those circumstances, part of a verse came to mind, “Teach us to number our days.” But I couldn’t remember the second part of it. Why was it so important to number our days? Finally, I looked it up. “Teach us to number our days, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.” That awareness really does help us to appreciate what we have while we have it!

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